
"Art is Hope"
September 2020
My work “Song from out of the cage” is featured in @TheFarisFoundation’s inaugural art competition + exhibition “Art is Hope,” which aims to raise awareness around childhood cancer. You can visit the gallery at, through the month of September (Childhood Cancer Awareness Month).

Galveston Magazine Best Shots Entries
Febuary 2020 issue
May 2020 issue
September 2020 issue

New Beginnings
Febuary 1 - March 15 2020
From the Heart Gallery
New Beginnings Spring Art Show
Submit your entries that mean Spring for you! Let's see what you've got! Concept originating from suggestions from our own Morgan Taylor!
45 day show, includes showing at March 7th Galveston Artwalk

Adventures In Art: Happy Hour
June 5-9 2019
Moody Gardens presents Adventures In Art, in collaboration with From The Heart Gallery.
Experience local artistry, converse with the artist, and drink something fun and new!

Moody Methodist Church
This photo of a brown pelican was chosen to be displayed at the Moody Methodist Church. I am proud to have my photography included in this permanent exhibition along side other artists. Thank you Moody Methodist Church for the honor of having my piece hanging in your halls and thank you From the Heart Gallery for helping me know about how to be apart of this. Please make sure to visit both of them to check out all the amazing art. 😁💕 Title: Sea Eyes Bird: Brown Pelican

Urban Decay
April 12 2018
Urban Decay Senior Show H.S.P.V.A.
Lexi Moura , Tuesday Haynes , Morgan Fisher

August 4–26, 2017
Participating High School Students: Chloe Abate, Bri Al-Bahish, Eriane Austria, William Castillo, Morgan Fisher, Emily Goll-Broyles, Chloe Gonzales, Griffin Haq, Angel Hoang, Melissa Lara, Sarah Perkison, Lillian Plumlee, Aline Rodriguez, Jacob Severo, Mina Silva, Miriam Valdez

2015 ALH High School Intensive Show
June 26 - July 18, 2015
Art League Houston
Artists: Lina Alfudail, Liam Baker, Leslie Clark, Monique Coleman, Rebecca Duron, Morgan Fisher, Aryssa Gonzales, Kara Hickey, Laura Martinez, Alexandra Moura, Tracy Ricker, Brenna Rogers, Alexis Rojas, and Samantha Roquemore.

Advanced Art Exhibit
May 1, 2014
The Advanced Art Exhibit for Pershing Middle school's art program. May piece was a life drawing (painting) of a pot of flowers.

TAEA Youth art month
March 9, 2014
2014 Texas State Capital Youth Art Month Celebration
Youth Art Month is an annual observance held at the state and local levels to emphasize the value of art education for all children, and to encourage support for quality school art programs. March is the official month for this celebration. Exhibits, presentations, and demonstrations are held in schools and communities throughout the state of Texas, as well as the rest of the USA.

West U Recycles day contest
November 3 2012
Puckling entry for the West U Recycles day contest. 2012 3rd place sculpture
Shaggy entry for West U Recycles day contest. 2013 2nd place sculpture
From the HeART Gallery
Where island meets HeART